The Seven Innovative Wonderful Uses Make LED Lighting Fixtures Beautiful "Heartbreaking"


OFweek Lighting Network News: As long as we open our minds more, the ingenious use of lights will never be exhausted. In this era, the significance of the existence of lights, in addition to illuminating the night and dark rooms, is also endowed with more connotations on the path of "pursuing brightness", such as through continuous thinking innovation and technological breakthroughs to better improve the human living environment and serve the people. Next, let me share various examples of creative applications and technological innovations related to "lighting" in recent times, and explore together what "great uses" small light bulbs can have.

Street trash cans can also contribute light

What else can a trash can do besides throw garbage? You might as well broaden your mind a bit. Recently, a garbage bin with both garbage loading and pedestrian lighting functions was unveiled on Rongmen Road in Nanchang. The term "solar trash can" sounds fresh, but it actually appeared on the streets of New York as early as 2006. However, the real scientific name of the garbage can at that time should be "solar compressor". Its main function is to use sunlight as power energy, and automatically compress the garbage thrown into the trash can. Nowadays, the new garbage bin placed on Rongmen Road has not only a regular collection port, but also a dedicated "recyclable" and "battery waste" port. There is a solar panel on the top of the bin that can power the internal light tubes, thereby achieving night lighting. According to the feedback from merchants and citizens on the road, they are very good, saying that they look "tall and upscale", both practical and environmentally friendly. The person in charge of the disposal company introduced that the cost of each new environmentally friendly garbage bin is about 5000 yuan. It is planned to gradually dispose of more than 8000 garbage bins in the main road sections of the city, hoping to beautify and brighten urban roads in addition to collecting garbage. Using one thing for two purposes can be said to kill two birds with one stone. 5000 yuan per trash can is a bit expensive.

Solar backpacks help impoverished students with homework

As is well known, while China is embarking on a high-speed development track, problems such as wealth disparity are also becoming increasingly serious. Under the same sky, developed cities and remote mountainous areas are surrounded by an invisible iron wall, as if separated by a wall, creating two worlds. Compared to the brightly lit city that never sleeps, children in impoverished areas can only struggle with their homework by the fire. Perhaps many people still cannot imagine that in some extremely poor areas of China in 2015, television and computers are still unreachable, and even simple use of electric lights is a luxury item in demand. Of course, laying power equipment on a large scale can solve the fundamental problem. However, in the face of such a vast project, relying solely on the love and charity of civil servants is bound to be more than enough. Fortunately, as a free gift from nature, the sunlight falls on every inch of the earth regardless of whether it is barren or rich.

Recently, a solar powered backpack named "Repurpose schoolbag" has emerged, which may truly solve the urgent problem of nighttime lighting for some impoverished children. The inventors of this product are Thato Kgatlhanye and Rea Ngwane, who grew up in towns in South Africa. They witnessed the plight of local children without electricity and co founded the non-profit organization Rethaka to develop solar backpacks. Its working principle is very simple: it uses recycled plastic to make a backpack, and then a circular solar panel is installed on the surface of the backpack. Children carry their backpack to school during the day, absorb solar energy while charging, and press the button when they go home at night to get nearly 12 hours of environmentally friendly and energy-saving lighting. It is reported that Rethaka has collaborated with many local recycling sites to use the collected plastic to make waterproof and electrically powered solar backpacks, which can not only help children learn but also protect the local natural ecology!

A new type of lamp with a lifespan of 37 years

I bought a lamp and went home. How long do you plan to use it? According to records, the manufacturer of the world's most "long-lasting" light bulbs is the American company "Snoopy Electric Company". Although this company closed down as early as 1914, a carbon filament light bulb produced by it with a power of only 4 watts has been on for 110 years and has worked for over 900000 hours in total - this is the "model worker" in the light bulb industry, and there is still no legend to shake.

Time flies, a hundred years later, in the middle of this year, according to foreign media reports, Jack Dyson, the son of inventor James Dyson, who is known as the "King of British Design", claimed to have invented a new type of light fixture that can be used for nearly 40 years without reducing its brightness. In terms of expected lighting duration, although far inferior to the pioneering "century old lamp", compared to the standard electric light bulb with a lifespan often only between 750 and 1000 hours now, it has taught the public to "shine" for decades. The "Coordinate System" (CSYS) work light invented by Jack, who confirms the concept of "tiger father without dog son", uses "heat pipe" technology to improve the heat dissipation performance of LEDs and avoid the drawbacks of decreased brightness and energy efficiency during use.

He pointed out that the disadvantage of traditional lighting fixtures is that they cannot prevent LEDs from overheating, with a maximum temperature of up to 130 degrees Celsius, causing damage to the fluorescent powder coating, which means that the lighting effect of LEDs is getting worse. To this end, he applied a unique technology to his designed CSYS work light to improve the heat dissipation ability of LEDs. He hides LEDs in conical reflectors, generating uniform light and achieving high energy efficiency without the need for a diffuser. This technology can keep LED lights' warm white light 'for many years, conservatively estimated to last for over 37 years, thereby saving consumers £ 1200. At 55 degrees Celsius, the light tube can work for a long time without compromising lighting and energy efficiency, "he said." So far, my greatest innovation is cooling down LEDs. This is of great significance to the LED market. Indeed, the meaning is undeniable, but life has been rare for seventy years, and the design is even more durable and durable. However, few ordinary people expect to buy a lamp and light it for half their life.

LED lights that change colors as people breathe

If there is a project dedicated to exploring the relationship between breathing and light, does it sound like everyone is feeling a bit idle? In fact, this is a project called "prana" recently developed by the world's top creative workshop, b-reel Creative Studio. The term 'Prana' is derived from Sanskrit and refers to the power that originates from the sun and enters the human body through breathing into the universe. Does it sound like an instant 'towering' and still 'imperceptibly sharp'? In fact, when tourists pass through a sphere composed of LED lights alone, they can perceive the energy emitted by their bodies through the colors displayed by 13211 LED lights. The b-reel creative studio designed the 'prana' as a 12 * 12 foot floating sphere. As long as the experimenter stands in front of the xethro radar sensor, the sensor will receive information and automatically start detecting breathing. After detection, corresponding data will be generated, and the dynamic changes in the colors of 13211 LED lights will be triggered through custom computer code, making it appear as if the entire sphere is breathing. In addition, one thoughts and birds studio has added realistic sound effects to the project, which can make the conversion more vivid and vivid.

At present, the team is sharing the code of the Prana project open source, providing convenience for other artists and developers to create custom animations, which can also be used on other projects in the future. It is reported that the development of 'prana' takes one year, including the process of completing design and construction. There is no need to worry about it at first, as this is a new way to experience our own technology, which will bring a lot of fun to our lives.

With the ever-changing colors of music, one can still "call the bed"

Need to inject more vitality into dull daily life? If the LED light that can change color with your breathing on top doesn't interest you, then try this latest Zedfy Zedcon intelligent LED light strip, which may help you regain your low spirits. Unlike ordinary LED light strips, this new product can be connected to smartphones and can switch between 16 million different colors through a built-in small controller. In addition, those who love listening to music are blessed. Zedcon's controller has a built-in microphone and music processing chip, which can also analyze and process the rhythm of the currently playing music, matching it with different color combinations and flashes. What are the practical functions of gatherings, celebration banquets, and dances. When the party ends and the music ends, Zedcon will gradually darken as the music weakens and only appear in one color before gradually disappearing.

Of course, this Zedcon intelligent LED light also has many other functions. For example, for those of you who no longer feel the alarm in the morning, you can use Zedcon's intelligent timing function. When the preset time is reached, Zedcon will automatically light up a soft light and wake you up in the most natural way. If someone calls in the middle of the night, you can also set Zedcon's flashing prompt without having to ring the phone to wake up your family. It's incredibly warm and thoughtful. In the future, the Zedcon team hopes to be able to connect more devices synchronously with the cloud. For example, when it keeps flashing in the living room, it reminds the owner that dinner is ready and the dining table is calling.

Flexible wearable high-efficiency yellow and white LED

Recently, it was reported that a flexible and efficient white LED has been successfully developed by Taiwan National Jiao Tong University and can be used for wearable displays and non flat surfaces such as curved or flexible TV screens. Associate professors Chien Chung Lin and Hao Chung Kuo from the university, as well as their research team, published a paper on this study in the journal Optics Letters. It is reported that Taiwan Jiao Tong University has created a highly flexible yellow colored white LED using existing technology. These LEDs can be made into uniform thin sheets with bending and flexibility, and are expected to soon appear in TVs and wearable displays. The device consists of 81 blue LED chips installed on copper foil, which is covered with a flexible and durable polyimide substrate. The outermost layer is a transparent and soft polydimethylsiloxane yellow fluorescent film added by the researchers, which is inert, non flammable, and non-toxic. This design turns blue LED light into warm white and yellow light.

Researchers have found that the thickness of the covered film determines how much scattered and reflected light there is, which can clearly distinguish individual LED light source points. After appropriate adjustments, a unified or nearly uniform light sheet can also be obtained. In the end, this product achieved 85% uniformity of light output and 120 lumens per watt light efficiency, with performance higher than standard LED lamps. In addition, researchers ran the device for a standard 1000 hours to test its durability and found that its radiation attenuation was only 5%. Chien ChungLin said, "Due to the availability of these devices under current technology, the combined reliability is very good. Most new processes or materials require a lengthy process to verify their reliability, but our design only uses existing parts to avoid this problem

Perhaps the world's most energy-efficient LED bulb

This is a small malformed and peculiar light bulb that Li Ka shing can appreciate, and it must have its outstanding features. Last year, we saw Li Chaoren, who went against his usual low-key style of "making a fortune with silence", vigorously promoting the company he invested in in front of the media. The lucky ones among them include the company Nanoleaf, which claims to have designed the world's most energy-efficient LED bulbs. Yesterday (26th), the long-awaited unique lighting product of Rino, LED light bulbs, finally officially entered the mainland Chinese market and will cooperate with Baidu Future Store to exclusively sell the Rino Nanoleaf Bloom gift set.

It is reported that the Rino Nanoleaf Bloom is the world's first LED bulb that can be dimmed without a dimmer. It adopts a new design concept with an origami style bulb shape, and is equipped with customized hardware with dimming function inside, allowing the bulb to adjust brightness even without a dimmer. It was awarded the Best Product Design Award at the 2015 Red Dot Design Award. After turning on this light bulb, simply press the switch twice - i.e. "off+on" - to activate the dimming mode. During the gradual illumination process of the bulb, press the switch twice continuously to lock in the brightness of the light. At the same time, the bulb only requires 10 watts of energy to generate a brightness of 1200 lumens, achieving the illumination effect of a 75 watt bulb. In addition, for the convenience of users at night, it also has a "night light mode", which uses less than 0.5 watts of energy to achieve lighting. Of course, with such a small amount of energy, we can almost ignore it
